Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I thought you'd be bigger...

I don't have a clever way of opening this post today, so I'll just spit it out - a direct to video (DTV) sequel to "Road House" is on its way! Normally I frown upon such films, but this one has piqued my curiosity. For the uninitiated, "Road House" is either reviled by those who have seen it or considered the guiltiest pleasure ever committed to celluloid. It captures Patrick Swayze, at the height of his mulletudiness, as he portrays a professional cooler (basically a bouncer supervisor)who tries to save a bar and its surrounding town from the clutches of the evil Ben Gazzara! This movie is quotable as hell, features Sam Elliott kicking ass and even sees Swayze sporting the shirt portion of a Karate uniform (Gi) tucked into his jeans. While "Road House" rips off "Walking Tall", among other films of its ilk, it stands apart as a time-capsule of the late eighties when men couldn't figure out if they wanted to grow their hair long at one length, or preserve the Kentucky waterfall. Bonus points for having a writer/director whose first name is Rowdy. You must see it to believe it. It is available on DVD, but I suggest you wait for the deluxe edition coming out this summer.


princess slea said...

gab loves this movie too. my favorite patrick swayze quote is when he says (in Grandview), "it (kissing Jamie Lee Curtiss) went over like a fart in church."

-R- said...

I have never seen the movie, but there was a guy I went to law school with that we called Road House (for obvious no-sleeve mulletastic reasons).

PreppyGirl said...

I know what the next movie in our DVD collection will be...

Doesn't Swayze pull out some guys throat in this? "Don't put baby in a corner, or I'll rip out your throat!"